Frequently Asked Questions

About Healthcare Advocates

First things first. What’s a healthcare advocate?

Healthcare, meet your match. Solace care advocates are experts who know how the system works because they’ve lived in it—they’re experienced physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals who understand what you’re going through and can get you the care you deserve.

We’ll match you with the right advocate as soon as today. No sneaky fees, we promise.

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Can an advocate help me?

Our advocates have a wide range of specialties, but they’re all experts in one thing: helping people.

Whatever you’re struggling with, a Solace advocate can help. If you’re searching for the right doctor or struggling to get a timely appointment, we’re here for you. If you’re navigating a serious diagnosis, living with a chronic illness, caring for an aging loved one, or fighting a medical bill, we’re here to help.

No matter how complicated the problem, a Solace advocate can help you find the solution.

So, what does a Solace advocate actually do?

Solace advocates are healthcare professionals who know the ins and outs of the medical system. They’ll make the calls, schedule the appointments, and keep your notes organized. They’ll translate complicated forms, keep your doctors coordinated, and be there to listen when you need them most. They can even lower your medical bills.

Honestly, we don’t have the space to list everything a Solace advocate can do for you, but it boils down to this: a Solace advocate just makes healthcare easier.

Find a Solace Advocate

Okay, what does a Solace advocate not do?

We know our advocates sound a bit like miracle workers, but they have limits. They can’t prescribe medications or diagnose an illness, for instance. They can’t replace your doctor, but they can break down the barriers standing between you and the quality healthcare you deserve.

Why do I need a healthcare advocate?

In a perfect world, you wouldn’t. In a perfect world, you’d visit your doctor and get the care you need. You’d ask important questions and get answers in plain English. On your way out, you’d pay a bill you could actually afford.

Unfortunately, we don’t live in that world. The healthcare system has become so complicated that it’s nearly impossible to navigate alone. Every day, patients like you are denied essential care due to red tape or tiny paperwork errors.

A healthcare advocate will fight for your needs and ensure your care never falls through the cracks—because healthcare shouldn’t be hard.

Are advocates on Solace qualified to help?

Advocates on Solace are experienced physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals from a wide range of backgrounds. 98% of Solace patients report better healthcare outcomes after working with an advocate.

Advocates on Solace are independent—meaning they work for you, not for an insurance company or a hospital. Your advocate will always have your best interests, and best outcomes, at heart.

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Are advocates on Solace local?

We have advocates serving all 50 states, but an advocate doesn’t need to live in your city to help you get the best care. Wherever they are, they’ll work closely with your doctors and find the local resources you need to get the best possible health outcome.

We’ll match you with the best advocate for you.

Medicare Coverage and Privacy

Can I really get a Solace healthcare advocate covered by insurance?

Healthcare advocates on Solace are fully covered by Medicare and many Medicare Advantage programs. Check your eligibility to see if you qualify—it only takes a minute.

Do I need to sign a contract?

Not if you’re covered by Medicare. The U.S. healthcare system has enough paperwork already.

Find a Solace Advocate

Is my information kept private?

Absolutely. Solace is proudly HIPAA-compliant. We’ll never sell your information, and we won’t show your records to anyone unless you say it’s okay.

Getting an Advocate

How do I get started?

It’s easy. Just answer a few questions and set up a time to chat with a Solace physician by phone or video. They’ll ask about your healthcare journey, the challenges you’re facing, and the ways we can best help.

Afterward, we’ll pair you with the Solace advocate who’s right for you and get started fighting for the care you need.

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How will I work with my advocate?

The Solace platform makes it easy to schedule one-on-one time with your advocate, view patient notes, loop in family members, and more—all from the comfort of your living room. And the care doesn’t stop there. Your advocate will work behind the scenes and be there whenever you need them, for as long as you need them.

Can I get an advocate for a loved one?

Absolutely. Advocates on Solace are a great way to bridge the gap between families and healthcare providers. 

Tell us about your loved one's healthcare journey so far.

Is my healthcare too complicated for an advocate?

No way. We’ll pair you with a Solace advocate who has the experience and expertise to help you navigate nearly any part of the healthcare journey—no matter how complicated.

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